What else can you do with an iPhone???

Some people are just ingenious, like this MD who turned the iPhone into an ECG strip recorder…. Here is his website and demonstration video: http://www.alivecor.com/video.htm If you don’t want to click on the link, here is the youtube video…...

How to have a low-carb snack

This article from about.com (http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/snacks.htm) is very helpful for people who want to snack but don’t want the high-carb content of most snacks… Enjoy… It’s important to have access to nutritious low-carb snack...

What’s New at the American College of Cardiology 2011?

The American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions was held recently in New Orleans. Interesting reports of clinical trials and other studies are outline below for your benefit: PARTNER study compared transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with...