by admin | Aug 21, 2011 | My blogs
Fancy a tattoo? In hospital, it could be your next type of monitor of your vital signs… Read on… 11 August 2011 By James Gallagher, BBC News Health An "electronic tattoo" could herald a revolution...
by admin | Aug 21, 2011 | My blogs
This is referenced from: Drug Discovery and Development, 19 August, 2011 A novel drug that activates a protein that increases the contraction of heart muscle could lead to a new...
by admin | May 17, 2011 | My blogs
Some people are just ingenious, like this MD who turned the iPhone into an ECG strip recorder…. Here is his website and demonstration video: If you don’t want to click on the link, here is the youtube video…...
by admin | May 5, 2011 | My blogs
This article from ( is very helpful for people who want to snack but don’t want the high-carb content of most snacks… Enjoy… It’s important to have access to nutritious low-carb snack...
by admin | Apr 12, 2011 | My blogs
The American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions was held recently in New Orleans. Interesting reports of clinical trials and other studies are outline below for your benefit: PARTNER study compared transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with...
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